Wet Weather Brings Central Florida Floods
After a long-lasting dry spell this past winter, Central Florida saw a good deal of wet weather over a few days in March. And with heavy downpours falling over a short period of time, the rains caused some serious floods throughout the central region.
In Marion County, a church suffered a significant amount of water damage. This happened after a nearby retention pond overflowed and flooded for the second time this decade. Even with heavy sandbags blocking the door, the church’s carpet, baseboards, and steps were drenched by the overflowing waters. While crews worked to divert the water there, plumbers worked in other parts of the region to reduce the sudden floods. One plumber, who was working to reduce the flooding at the back of a local gas station, suggested that people cut back on their water usage to reduce the flow to drain fields.
If Your Home Was Damaged In Florida Flood Waters
If your property was damaged by the Central Florida floods, and you are covered by flood protection insurance, then you can file a claim for your damaged property by contacting your insurance agent or representative. Your insurer will send an adjuster to estimate the damage to your property. If you have difficulty filing a claim, or getting the money you deserve, you can get the professional help of a Florida hurricane attorney.
To learn more about what may be covered by your flood insurance, and what actions to take after a storm, you can visit our article Flood Insurance Claims & Coverage Issues.
The hurricane attorneys at Falk & Falk Law Firm know how important it is to you and your family to get the settlement you need in order to move on with your lives. Our hurricane attorneys have experience in helping victims of natural disasters—and other homeowners’ nightmares—recover from their loss. An experienced attorney can help you to fight for the compensation that you need and navigate the tricky world of homeowners and hurricane insurance. Contact us today – 1-(305) 742-0878.