Compensation in a Florida Personal Injury Lawsuit
The compensation you may be entitled to after a car accident in Miami depends on several variables, including who was at fault, the nature of your injuries and whether the negligent party has insurance.
When preparing your Florida personal injury lawsuit, your Miami personal injury attorney might seek any of the following damages:
current and future medical expenses;
- lost earnings, including time spent missing work for physical therapy or other medical appointments;
- property damage, such as vehicle repair or replacement costs;
- permanent disability or disfigurement;
- physical and emotional pain; and
- any other incidentals related to your injuries, such as the cost of medical devices and other expenses.
Since Florida is also a pure comparative negligence state, you can file a claim even if you were partly or mostly responsible for your car accident in Miami. However, your personal degree of fault will be taken into account and deducted from any compensation you recover. For example, if you were awarded $100,000 for your injuries but were also found 10% at fault, your compensation would be reduced by 10% and you would only actually receive $90,000.
Your Miami personal injury attorney will help determine what types of compensation your claim may qualify for in a Florida personal injury claim. To learn more about the basic of a Florida personal injury lawsuit, visit our article library.
Contacting a Miami Personal Injury Attorney
After a serious Miami car accident leaves you with life-altering injuries, you’ll want to seek help from a lawyer with experience in cases like yours. The Florida Injury Lawyers at Falk & Falk know what to look for when investigating your case and can fight for your rights when negotiating with the insurance companies. Before you accept any settlement offers, contact the Florida Injury Lawyers at Falk & Falk for a free case consultation – 305-742-0878.