Filing a Florida Chinese Drywall Claim with Your Insurance Company (Part A)
Many Florida homeowners are faced with a serious condition related to Chinese drywall contamination. This is due to contaminated shipments that arrived at nearly 2 dozen U.S. ports between 2004 and 2006. Seven of these shipments arrived in Florida, and were used in the construction of homes, condos, and office buildings.
If your home has been contaminated by Chinese drywall or if you suspect contamination, you should get the professional advice of a Florida homeowners insurance attorney. An attorney can help you file a Florida Chinese drywall claim.
What Is Chinese Drywall?
Drywall, also known as wallboard and plasterboard, refers to the material that is used in building construction for interior walls and ceilings. Almost every home in Florida is constructed with drywall panels. During the U.S. housing boom from 2004-2006, the tremendous demand for drywall lead to a nationwide shortage. As a result, more than 550 million pounds of Chinese drywall were imported into the United States. One of the last shipments came into Port Everglades in the summer of 2007.
What Is The Problem With Contaminated Chinese Drywall?
Some of the Chinese drywall that was imported to the U.S. during this time period was contaminated with a harmful compound called hydrogen sulfide. Chinese drywall manufacturer Knauf Tianjin, whose drywall has been reported to cause problems, said that a test conducted on their drywall showed high concentrations of hydrogen sulfide.
Hydrogen sulfide is a colorless, poisonous, and flammable gas that has the smell of rotten eggs. It can erode the electrical and plumbing systems in your home. This gas can also poison different systems of the body, though it mostly affects the nervous system.
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