Flood Damage Insurance
Florida homeowners insurance will not cover damages that were caused by floods. In order to protect your property against flood damage, you’ll need to buy separate flood insurance coverage. This will cover damage caused by waves, tidal action, overflowing creeks, rivers or lakes, and runoff from ground water.
If you obtained insurance in Florida under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), then you should be covered for losses resulting from a flood. This type of insurance will protect the insured building, appliances, carpeting and walls, and the contents of your property (if you purchased contents coverage). According to the NFIP, the average annual loss caused by U.S. floods (1996 – 2005) was more than $2.4 billion. The NFIP paid $16 billion in flood insurance claims in 2005 alone.
To review your policy and know exactly what your flood insurance protection covers, or to file a flood damage claim, you can call your insurance agent or a company representative. If you need a second opinion to understand the terms of your policy agreement, or help in getting your insurance company to pay you the money you deserve, you can get the professional help of a Florida hurricane attorney.
Getting The Help of a Florida Hurricane Attorney
The hurricane attorneys at Falk & Falk Law Firm know how important it is to you and your family to get the settlement you need in order to move on with your lives. Our hurricane attorneys have experience in helping victims of natural disasters, including Florida flood waters, recover from their losses. An experienced attorney can help you to fight for the compensation that you need and navigate the tricky world of homeowners and hurricane insurance. Contact us today – 1-(305) 742-0878.