Florida Governor Encourages BP Lawsuits
As tar balls from the BP oil spill wash up on Northern Florida beaches, Governor Charlie Crist is encouraging affected hoteliers to file compensation claims. The comments from Crist came after Florida’s hotels suffered a slew of cancelled bookings. As a result of the spill, hotels in the Florida panhandle say that their earnings for June will fall 60%. Some say that it may take years for the region’s tourism industry to recover.
So far, there have been no beach closures anywhere in the state of Florida. But the oil from the spill continues to make its way toward coastal shores. And despite a vigorous marketing campaign from the state’s official tourism body, this summer season will not be what is has been in the past. A study from the University of Central Florida estimates that nearly 200,000 jobs and $10.9 billion in tourism-related revenue may be lost if the oil comes ashore.
In response to the catastrophe, BP has established a $20 billion claims fund to compensate oil spill victims. Those who have suffered damages can file for compensation with their insurance coverage provider. If BP does not pay their oil spill victims the money they deserve, then there will undoubtedly be a barrage of BP lawsuits soon to follow.
If you have recently suffered damages due to the BP oil spill, you may want to file for damages in a Florida insurance claim. To know what options are available to you, you can visit our article Effects of the BP Oil Spill.
The Florida insurance claims attorneys at Falk & Falk Law Firm know how important it is to you and your family to get the settlement you need in order to move on with your lives. Our hurricane attorneys have experience in helping victims of natural disasters—and other homeowners nightmares—recover from their loss. An experienced attorney can help you to fight for the compensation that you need and navigate the tricky world of homeowners and hurricane insurance. Contact us today – 1-(305) 742-0878.