How to Start a BP Oil Spill Claim (Part A)
There are many reasons why you may be entitled to make a Florida oil spill claim. The current BP oil spill is affecting thousands of people’s homes and livelihoods, and may cause both immediate loss and long-term loss of income. An attorney who specializes in Florida oil spill claims can help you determine what sort of a suit you should file, and how much compensation you may be entitled to.
Reasons for a Florida Oil Spill Claim
Although your attorney will help you build a case by determining how you were damaged, there are a number of common reasons to file a Florida oil spill claim relating to the BP oil spill:
- Personal property damage often occurs as a result of an oil spill, and you may be entitled to the value of the lost property.
- Loss of profits may ensue if a business is damaged, or as a consequence of diminished tourism in the area.
- Loss of subsistence may occur if you are no longer able to grow or catch the food you rely on to survive.
- Removal costs may be very high, and in some cases may be an ongoing cost for years to come.
- Damage to natural resources can affect not only your immediate income, but the value of your property.
- Public services may become more costly as resources become increasingly limited.
Qualifying for a Florida Oil Spill Claim
It’s important to note that a Florida oil spill claim can be made even if only the serious threat of a spill occurred, so long as that threat negatively impacted you. This may occur, for example, as a result of diminished tourism in an area where the threat of pollution from the BP oil spill is present. In order to be eligible to make a Florida oil spill claim, at least 3 factors must be true:
- The spill or threat of a spill must have occurred after August 18th, 1990.
- The spill or threat of a spill must involve oil.
- The spill or threat of a spill must have occurred within the navigable waters of the U.S., or on to the shoreline.
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