I have suffered damage in a fire/hurricane/theft to my home. Will my insurance agent provide me with all the help I need filing my homeowners insurance claim in Florida?
Homeowners insurance agents are primarily concerned with selling insurance policies and do not have much involvement with the claims process when you are filing a homeowners insurance claim in Florida. If your claim falls under your normal homeowners insurance policy and is basic enough, your insurance agent may be able to help you.
In most cases, an insurance agent is not involved in adjusting or determining coverage when you are filing a homeowners insurance claim in Florida. These matters are handled by the insurance adjusters who may or may not be local to your area. When you need help filing a homeowners insurance claim in Florida, your best bet is to speak with an experienced Florida homeowners insurance attorney.
Your insurance agent will be able to explain your current coverage and get you in contact with the right channels to file a homeowners insurance claim in Florida— but he or she usually will not help with the more involved parts of the process. An attorney can help you develop evidence of your claim and present the proper documentation to the insurance adjuster.
It is rare to find an insurance agent who will be able to assist you in filing a homeowners insurance claim in Florida all the way to settlement. For trustworthy help, contact a Florida homeowners insurance attorney.
Getting the Help of a Florida Homeowners Insurance Attorney
The Florida homeowners insurance attorney team at Falk & Falk Law Firm knows how important it is to you and your family to receive all your eligible Florida homeowners insurance discounts. Our Florida homeowners insurance attorney team has experience in helping victims of natural disasters—and other homeowners’ nightmares—recover from their loss.
An experienced attorney can help you fight for the compensation you deserve and navigate the tricky world of homeowners insurance. To help take the confusion out of the current laws regarding eligibility for Florida homeowners insurance discounts for hurricane safety, contact us today – 305-742-0878.