Residential Claims: Water Damage (Part A)
There are a number of scenarios that can lead to water damage in your Florida home. This can happen due to leaky pipes, underground seepage, or a flood after a hurricane or storm. If your home has suffered from water damage in Florida, then you may be eligible for compensation in a Florida water damage claim.
To find out if you are eligible for filing a Florida water damage claim, you can get the help of a South Florida water damage attorney.
Common Causes of Water Damage in Florida
Some common causes of water damage in Florida include:
- Underground seepage – Especially in Florida, your home can be damaged when groundwater seeps up into the building’s foundation. Unfortunately, seepage is considered a maintenance issue, and will not be eligible for compensation in a Florida water damage claim.
- A roof leak after a storm – It is possible that after a rainstorm your roof will leak, and cause damage to the interior of your home. While the roof damage may not be compensated because it is due to a maintenance issue, any damage to your interior, including your furniture, may be compensated in a water damage claim.
- Your washing machine overflows – If your washing machine overflows and causes damage to your home, then you may be compensated in a Florida water damage claim. But this may also depend on how your insurer evaluates the problem. If the washing machine was not properly maintained, then some of the money to replace the damage may come from your own pocket.
- A nearby lake or river overflows – If a nearby lake or river overflows, and causes water damage to your home, then this damage will not be covered by your homeowners insurance provider. Instead, you will need to have purchased separate flood insurance coverage.
If you have questions about water damage in Florida, or about what may be covered in a Florida water damage claim, you can contact an experienced South Florida water damage attorney.
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