What Is Covered By My Florida Flood Insurance?
If you live in Florida there is a good chance that you have hurricane insurance coverage. But hurricane coverage won’t protect your home against damage done by a flood. Flood insurance, specifically, will cover damage caused by waves, tidal action, overflowing creeks, rivers or lakes, and runoff from ground water. And whether your property suffers from 3 feet of water or 1 inch, your Florida flood insurance will cover:
- The insured building;
- Built-in appliances and your central air system;
- Paneling, wallpaper, cabinets and carpets;
- The garage;
- Debris removal; and
- The contents of your home (this requires you to purchase contents’ insurance).
How to File a Claim After a Florida Flood
To file a Florida flood insurance claim, you should contact your agent or a company representative to report your damaged property. Make a list of the items that were damaged by the flood. Include bills, receipts, photos, and anything that can prove the value of your items. An adjuster will come from your insurance company to estimate the value of your claim.
However, if you feel that your insurance company does not want to pay the money you deserve, you can get the professional help of a Florida hurricane attorney. An attorney can represent your interests while negotiating with the insurance company, and if necessary file a lawsuit to get the compensation you deserve.
To learn more about what may be covered by your flood insurance, and what actions to take after a storm, you can visit our article Flood Insurance Claims & Coverage Issues.
The hurricane attorneys at Falk & Falk Law Firm know how important it is to you and your family to get the settlement you need in order to move on with your lives. Our hurricane attorneys have experience in helping victims of natural disasters—and other homeowners’ nightmares—recover from their loss. An experienced attorney can help you to fight for the compensation that you need and navigate the tricky world of home-owners and flood insurance. Contact us today – 1-(305) 742-0878.