Electrocution Accidents
Electrocution Accident Injury Lawyers – Working For You

Electricity is obviously indispensable in today’s world, but without proper precautions electricity can be extremely dangerous. Electrocution is defined as death caused by electric shock but the term is frequently used to describe non-fatal injuries too. These accidents can have devastating results for the victim and their loved ones. Injuries from electric shock if not deadly, frequently cause chronic pain, organ damage, and can sometimes make it impossible for the victim to earn a living or return to the activities they once enjoyed. The impact to the victim and their family is often immediate and profound.
How serious the injury is depends on a variety of factors, including how long the victim is exposed to the electric current, how much current, the voltage, the path the current takes through the victim’s body, including whether the current passes through the victim’s heart or brain, moisture present in the immediate environment and the overall health of the victim. If the victim survives the accident, they may be left with debilitating injuries, such as:
- Burns (skin and internal)
- Brain damage (TBI)
- Organ/tissue damage – including heart
- Sensory deficits (vision, hearing, etc.)
- Speaking deficits
- Nerve damage
- Neurological deficits
- Psychological damage
- Bone fractures/disfigurement
Electrocution accidents can occur in the home, on the job site or virtually anywhere someone comes into contact with electricity, including a downed power line. Unsafe working environments, poor installation of electrical devices and unsafe equipment and work practices are often the cause of such accidents and most, if not all are preventable.
However, electrocution accidents can occur from a wide range of circumstances, including:
- Negligent power or electric company
- Negligent property owner
- Defective consumer products
- Negligent/Unlicensed electrician or contractor
- Faulty circuit breakers and defective outlets
- Damaged electrical wiring
- Improper grounding of electrical equipment
- Arc flash and Arc blast
- Fire explosions
- Failure to follow manufacturers’ guidelines/instructions
- Improper use of extension cords
If you or someone you know has suffered an electrocution accident due to the negligence of another contact Falk & Falk. We’ll help safeguard vital documents and evidence that show another person, company or manufacturer was negligent and thus responsible for the accident. We want to help you and we have the experience and means necessary to fully research, investigate and prove your claim to an insurer or jury.