Negligent Security

Negligent Security Lawyers, Protecting Those Injured By The Violent Acts Of Others


Were you a victim of a robbery while leaving a grocery store, restaurant or mall? Have you been in attacked in an apartment complex, concert venue, or parking deck? Were you a casualty of a shooting or have you lost a loved one due to the violent act of another? The moments and days after an attack are often a scary and overwhelming time for the victim and their family. Let us help. We understand these crimes have tragic and immediate consequences. Our Florida personal injury attorneys can help you through the process and determine if better security measures should’ve been in place to prevent your attack.


While violent crime is unpredictable and seemingly random, sometimes crime victims suffer unnecessarily due to a preventable attack. This happens when a property owner or security company fails to use adequate security measures to protect the public. If you or a family member have suffered a preventable attack, our negligent security attorneys will work to get you the compensation you need and deserve. The expense from medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering can add up quickly. By bringing a claim and holding the property owner or security company responsible, you also encourage them to fix their lax protective measures which can save other families from future attacks and injury.


  • No security when the property owner knows about risks of attacks
  • Past attacks and no attempt at making the property safer
  • Poor or damaged lighting
  • Unlocked or broken gates or doors
  • Untrained or poorly trained security guards
  • Security guards not making appropriate rounds


Business and property owners are required by Florida law to provide a safe location for their customers, visitors and guests. If the owners fail to do so, they may face civil action for negligent security. Generally, there is no duty to protect against a crime committed by a third person. However, Florida law extends the duty to protect against foreseeable criminal acts, which are any acts that the owner could have taken reasonable measures to prevent.

The criminal assailant may not be the only one responsible for incidents such as:

  • Criminal assault
  • Attack with a knife, gun or other weapons
  • Rape or sexual assault
  • Robbery
  • Other violence

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